Study Habit Test

Study Habit Test: (5 week workshop)

Students are facing many issues in their lives, and hence it's hard to concentrate on studying. For this, Bhagirath Counseling Center has come up with a smart practice method that allows the student to learn consistently and motivationally to make progress in the school every year.

If you want good grades / marks, you need more effective study habits. The key to effective study is to study smartly, not to study longer or to pursue it. If you adopt the ten effective study habits and techniques of this study test, you can start a smart study. The ten factors helps to students to develop their own study in a smart and efficient way. our study test and individual and group counseling will help students to make better grades and they loves to study.

  • Study habits refers to the method or techniques of effective learning which in turn involve a set of study skills as organization of time, effective use of time, reading skills, essay writing, report writing skills, note taking, examination techniques.
  • The study habits of the individual are covered & the items are distributed among the 10 areas.
  • It gives proper guidance to the students in the optimum use of their valuable time & energy. Finally it gives correct directions for the improvement in the study & study methods.